Jersey City, NJ Endodontist

Get to Know
Dr. Nassim Kohly

Jersey City endodontist Doctor Nassim Kohly

As an endodontist in Jersey City, Dr. Kohly loves that she gets to help people overcome their pain and save their teeth every single day, and she is committed to providing expert care while delivering an experience that is both personalized and comfortable. With her, all you have to do is sit in the chair, and then you have nothing else to worry about! Before you have a chance to meet her in person, you can learn a little more about Dr. Kohly below.

N Y U badge with text that reads proudly New York University trained

Why Did You Decide to Become a Dentist?

When Dr. Kohly was in high school, she started shadowing her dentist and quickly fell in love with the field. Dentistry is a mixture of art and science, and this attracted her right from the start.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

N Y U flag on side of building

Dr. Kohly earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery from the New York University College of Dentistry. She then completed her advanced education specialty training in endodontics at NYU as well, graduating with honors.

Dr. Kohly is a member of the American Academy of Endodontists, the New Jersey Dental Association, and the American Dental Association. She frequently attends study clubs and national scientific meetings to stay current on the latest research, techniques, and technology.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Originally from New York, Dr. Kohly has a true passion for helping underserved communities and has provided dental care for the underprivileged in Maine, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and Mexico. She speaks three languages and likes to relax by playing tennis, skiing, and playing the piano.