Root Canal Treatment – Jersey City, NJ

Stopping Your Toothache and Saving Your Tooth

Group of smiling endodontic experts at root canal treatment in Jersey City

Despite what many people think, root canal treatment is nothing to fear. Not only does the treatment have very little discomfort associated with it, but it is often the key to putting a stop to serious toothaches and saving your teeth from extraction. If you have been suffering from tooth pain that will not go away, you may benefit from having root canal treatment performed in the near future; contact Endodontic Group of Jersey City today in order to set up a visit.

Why Choose Endodontic Group of Jersey City for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Endodontic Treatments with Virtually No Discomfort
  • Able to Schedule Same-Day Visits in Urgent Situations
  • Trustworthy, Experienced Endodontic Experts

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Woman in dental chair grinning at her dentist

The purpose of root canal treatment is to address a problem with dental pulp, which is a collection of connective tissue inside the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. Dental pulp can potentially become infected, which can result in a lot of pain and put the tooth at risk of needing to be extracted.

How will you know if you need root canal treatment? Some possible warning signs include:

  • Significant, persistent tooth pain.
  • A bump resembling a pimple near the tooth in question.
  • Increased sensitivity to temperature (meaning the tooth hurts if it touches something hot or cold).
  • Swollen or darkened gum tissue.
  • A tooth that is visibly damaged.

The Root Canal Process

Model of tooth showing the layers inside of it

A local anesthetic will be administered to keep the treatment area numb. To ensure that the tooth stays dry while we’re working on it, we will place a small rubber dam. Next, we will create a hole in the tooth so that we can access the pulp, which will be carefully taken out. A cleaning will be performed to get rid of any remaining bacteria that may still be in the tooth. A biocompatible substance will be used to refill the tooth once the cleaning is complete. After your root canal treatment, you will most likely need to get a dental crown; this is typically necessary to strengthen and protect the tooth in question.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Dental patient listening to her dentist

Infected dental pulp won’t heal by itself, so removing it is often the best option for protecting your smile. Getting rid of the source of the infection will allow you to save the affected tooth, and it will help keep your other teeth safe as well. Our team will take advantage of the latest advancements in the field of endodontics to make sure that you stay comfortable. Finally, you will once again be able to use the tooth in question to chew all kinds of foods after it has been treated and restored with a dental crown.